Friday, April 23, 2010

Origin of the Gnomes

It is unclear which order Gnomes or Halflings came into existence but as to the stories of Gnomes they became aware of themselves historically some 5000 years before the Second Invasion. In this time they record the discovery of the first tunnel between worlds. Finding a safe and hidden location to dwell in soon the gnomish population of the tunnel swelled forcing younger generations to seek out similar tunnels. While some did others did not and according to Gnomish lore these people became the Halflings. Over time Gnomes spread from world to world through the various connecting tunnels settling new homes and building new communities among the various inhabitants of these new realms.  

The name Gnome emerged as the natives to these various planets asked where the the Gnomes came from when they responded they came from no where on the planet that they had no homes here they were dubbed the no-homes. Delighted by this name the Gnomish people proceeded to adopt it as their own introducing them selves as the no-homes or eventually the gnomes. 

Gnomes in general are gregarious and friendly, their close knit communities are welcoming while also being protective of those they consider guest. Hospitality is consider paramount among the Gnomes, though they have often picked up strange customs from worlds they have visited, which make many guest uncomfortable.  

Gnomes are generally similar to the gypsy cultures of earth including the penchant for tinkering and object repair. 

Gnomes mate for life and a mate is usually chosen by the young gnome leaving the tunnels to wander the world in search of a spouse. Upon finding one another the two then decide weather to live with the clan of the male or the female. Occasionally a Gnome and Halfling will fall in love presenting an interesting choice of in-laws for the newlyweds. 

Saturday, April 17, 2010


 Creator Beings complete creation of universe. Guardians are left on the World of Torana the Wayworld to protect all worlds.

-1,000 Elves from the world Faerie Discover First World Gate to Wayworld.

-999 to -201 Elves begin to travel between worlds via the Wayworld other races begin to using Elven World Gates to travel to Wayworld.

-500 Elven Wizards Attempt to ppen a Bypass World Gate on Faerie and unleash the Shadow. The Wizards believe they have trapped the Shadow behind magical shields.  

-250 Shadow destroys the Elven Shields. Elves begin the Shade war to save Faerie.  

-200 Elves Invade Wayworld 

-199 to 0 Elves fight against Humans for dominance of Wayworld

0 Shadow breaks through Elven World Gate into Wayworld, World Gates stop functioning.
   Shadow defeated by a group of travelers Elven Bypass Gate closed. 

1 Elves and others begin the re-conquest of Faerie. 
